How to Clean Golf Clubs: Restore the Shine in 5 Easy Steps

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To clean golf clubs, wipe them after every shot, soak them in soapy water, clean the grooves with a brush, and give them one last wash. Avoid submerging woods in water and use a mild soap like dish soap to prevent damage. Buffing your clubs can also restore their shine by cleaning them first and then applying metal polish.

Never start by dipping your clubs in water as it can damage them.

Step-by-step Guide To Cleaning Golf Clubs

Cleaning your golf clubs regularly not only helps to maintain their performance but also prolongs their lifespan. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively clean your golf clubs.

Step 1: Wipe The Club

Wipe The Club

The first step to cleaning your golf clubs is to wipe off any dirt or debris from the clubhead and grips. Use a damp cloth or towel to remove surface dirt and grime. Pay extra attention to the grooves on the clubface as these can easily accumulate dirt and affect the ball’s spin and control.

Step 2: Soak In Soapy Water

Soak In Soapy Water

After wiping the club, fill a bucket with warm water and add a mild soap, such as dish soap. Avoid using hot water as it can damage the adhesive that holds your clubhead to the shaft. Submerge the clubheads in the soapy water and let them soak for a few minutes to loosen any dirt or debris.

Step 3: Clean The Grooves

Clean The Grooves

Once the clubheads have soaked for a few minutes, use a golf club cleaning brush or an old toothbrush to scrub the grooves. Gently brush back and forth to remove any dirt or grass that may be stuck in the grooves. This step is crucial for ensuring optimal ball control and spin on the course.

Step 4: Final Rinse

Final Rinse

After cleaning the grooves, rinse off the clubheads under running water to remove any soap residue. Make sure to thoroughly clean the entire clubhead, including the hosel and sole. This final rinse helps to remove any remaining dirt or debris and ensures a clean finish.

Step 5: Dry And Shine

Dry And Shine

After rinsing, use a clean towel to dry off the clubheads and grips. Make sure to remove all moisture to prevent rust or corrosion. For an added shine, you can use a golf club cleaning solution or polish and gently buff the clubheads. This step will not only make your clubs look great but also help maintain their performance.

Golf club cleaning brush or old toothbrush
Dish soap or mild soap
Damp cloth or towel
Towel for drying
Golf club cleaning solution or polish (optional)

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Clean Golf Clubs

What Is The Best Way To Clean Your Golf Clubs?

To clean your golf clubs, wipe them after every shot, soak in soapy water, clean the grooves with a brush, and give them a final wash. Avoid using hot water or submerging woods in water. Buffing with metal polish can restore shine.

Use a soft towel with mild soap for cleaning.

Can You Use Dish Soap To Clean Golf Clubs?

Yes, you can use dish soap to clean golf clubs. Fill a bucket with lukewarm soapy water, using a mild soap like dish soap. Avoid using hot water as it can damage the adhesive holding the club head to the shaft.

Gently scrub the clubs with a brush and rinse them thoroughly.

How Do You Clean And Make Golf Clubs Shiny Again?

To clean and make golf clubs shiny again, wipe them after each shot, soak in soapy water, clean grooves with a brush, and give a final wash. To make them shiny, buff with metal polish. Avoid submerging woods in water, and use mild soap.

Is It Okay To Wash Golf Clubs With Water?

It is okay to wash golf clubs with water, but never submerge woods in water as it can damage the club. Instead, take a soft towel and dampen it with a mild solution of water and dishwashing liquid. Wring out the extra water before cleaning your clubs.


To keep your golf clubs looking and performing their best, regular cleaning is essential. By following a few simple steps, you can easily clean your golf clubs at home. Begin by wiping your clubs after every shot to remove any dirt or debris.

Then, soak them in lukewarm soapy water to loosen any stubborn residue. Next, use a brush to clean the grooves and give the club one final wash. Remember to never submerge woods in water and always dry your clubs thoroughly before storing them.

With these tips, your golf clubs will stay in top shape for many rounds to come.

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